Volatility, Uncertainty , Complexity & Ambiguity- aka VUCA, is an acronym that is almost a defining characteristic of our ERA.
The U.S Army college introduced the concept of VUCA to describe the more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous multilateral world perceived as resulting from the end of the cold war in the early 1990s. The common usage of the term “VUCA” began in the 1990s and derives from military vocabulary.
And now, the concept is gaining new relevance to characterize the current environment and the leadership required to navigate it successfully.
The U.S Army college introduced the concept of VUCA to describe the more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous multilateral world perceived as resulting from the end of the cold war in the early 1990s. The common usage of the term “VUCA” began in the 1990s and derives from military vocabulary.
And now, the concept is gaining new relevance to characterize the current environment and the leadership required to navigate it successfully.
How can you lead and manage your people,
as well as your organisation, in this ever changing world?
as well as your organisation, in this ever changing world?

With the advent of the ‘internet of things’ the rapid changing market places, business advances progressing faster every day, as a leader: How can you lead and manage your people, as well as your organisation, in this ever changing world? Despite being beneficial at time, these changes have brought with it increased volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity or, as it’s now known in leadership terminology as - VUCA. VUCA is now seen as the ‘new norm’, with ‘VUCA Leadership’ defining the new art and style of leadership in the 21stCentury.
The speaker will provide you with the confidence, skills and techniques to fully understand the implications of VUCA on your people and your organisation. Enable you to conduct and apply the techniques required to master this new style and art of leadership. You will have the confidence to control VUCA effectively, thereby increasing your expanding leadership knowledge and mastery. This program is essential for those who wish to learn key behavioural principles in leading people in today’s rapidly changing VUCA world.
The speaker will provide you with the confidence, skills and techniques to fully understand the implications of VUCA on your people and your organisation. Enable you to conduct and apply the techniques required to master this new style and art of leadership. You will have the confidence to control VUCA effectively, thereby increasing your expanding leadership knowledge and mastery. This program is essential for those who wish to learn key behavioural principles in leading people in today’s rapidly changing VUCA world.

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows you the way”
-John C. Maxwell
-John C. Maxwell